Friday, June 4, 2010

A Priceless Treasure, For Generations to Come!

Why am I blogging about all these give-a-ways from another blog when I haven't even personally blogged here on my own for so long? Well, for two reasons. One, when I blog I receive an extra entry into their drawings and I really, REALLY want to win these things (!), but also because this new Raising Homemakers blog is EXACTLY, so far at least, right in step with my beliefs and convictions in raising our daughters and I want to help spread the word so others can find their way to this wealth of knowledge and together maybe we can make a difference in the lives of future wives and mothers!

Today's give-a-way is a collection of 9 sessions with Victoria Botkin, a true Titus 2 woman. Here is an excerpt from the description of these sessions:

Listen to Victoria discuss subjects like woman's great power, sinful tendencies, obedience vs. submission, independence vs. submission, freedom vs. submission, beauty, dress, makeup, respect, women's rights, hospitality, speaking words of life, managing with grace, pitfalls of perfectionism in homemaking, Hollywood expectations, trials, trust, and cultivating personality. Throughout, she responds to questions and answers from women. This download contains recordings and slides from all nine sessions:

1.All About Eve
2.Biblical Submission and How Godly Women Do It
3.Lessons from the Proverbs 31 Woman
4.All About Love
5.How to Help Your Husband Love You
6.Thoughts on Beauty
7.Loving Your Children
8.Questions, Answers, Slander, & Gossip
9.Review and Closing Remarks

Oh how I would love to have this treasure to listen to whenever I wanted! It would be just like having my own personal Godly mentor; that older, wiser, more experienced wife and mother passing on her years of knowledge and wisdom any time I needed!

Doesn't it sound wonderful? Hop on over to Raising Homemakers and enter to win. Or don't. That would be ok too. The fewer entries the more chance I have of winning! Just kidding. (Ok, not really.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The blog looks great, Christy!! :)