Saturday, November 12, 2005

A Pair of Red Clogs

A Pair of Red Clogs

September 19-23, 2005

On Monday, we found Japan on the map and then also on the globe. On our flat map it looked like Japan was so very far away from the United States, but with the globe we saw that if we sailed west we could get there much quicker. We also did a map worksheet on Japan to help reinforce our map skills and we made and colored the flag of Japan. Lastly, we recalled what an ‘island’ is from some of our other Five In A Row stories and discovered that Japan is indeed a country and an island!

On Tuesday we talked about ‘reminiscing’. We each thought about something that happened to us when we were younger and then told our story. 2ds6 and 3ds5 dictated their stories to mom and she wrote them for them. 3ds5’s story was about getting his friend, Mr. Bear, when he spent a week in the hospital. He was admitted on his 2nd birthday. 2ds6’s story was about having surgery when he was four and being ‘King’ for the day! Mommy then told a story about when she was a little girl. We had fun ‘reminiscing’ and sharing our stories like the grandmother does in A Pair of Red Clogs.

For art, we looked closely at how the illustrator blended different colors to achieve new colors and we tried the same thing with paint. It was really cool to watch yellow and blue make green, red and yellow make orange, and red and blue make purple! We then used our new colors to paint pictures. We also talked about how, if we want our pictures to have a ‘warm’ feeling we can use warm colors such as oranges and reds and browns, like the colors in the fire in the book.

For our science lesson we learned about predicting weather. We watched the weather on the news each evening and recorded what the weather man said it was going to be the next day, then waited to see if he was right! We talked about what weather each season brings and how weathermen can predict what weather is coming and what they use to do this.

And just to end the week on a fun note we went outside and played the ‘weather-telling game’ with our shoes. Needless to say, it didn’t snow, as many flips of our shoes indicated it would! We had a lot of fun doing this and we laughed so much!

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